
Jeff Healey 1966-2008
...(cont) every headline before and since the cancer-related premature death of blues-rock phenomenon Jeff Healey March 2, 2008 has included the qualifier "blind guitarist" , as if Healey's mind-blowing facility and unique technique on the instrument,his more-than-competent rich vocals,his uncanny choice of material,and Jeff's wicked ultra-dry sense of humor were less defining of the man than his inability to read the drive-through menu at Taco Bell...(more)

John Hiatt- Tennessee Plates- 3-93 Dallas
Now that Randy Newman has been inducted, here's my nomination for Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for the most deserving American songwriter working today: John Hiatt. Bonnie Raitt, Eric Clapton and B.B.King, Emmylou Harris, Linda Ronstadt, Joe Cocker,…

John Hiatt- Buffalo River Home- Dallas 3-93
"Now there are only two things in life, But I forget what they are..." drolly quips John Hiatt during this one-man band version of his "Buffalo River Home"

Bonnie Raitt- Nick of Time
When Nick of Time rose steadily, eventually becoming the #1-selling album in the US a year after release, no one was more surprised than Bonnie Raitt. When it also won three Grammy Awards, including the coveted Album of the Year Grammy, no one was more appreciative, as you will hear in my 1990 classic rock interview.