
Moody Blues- In Search of the Lost Chord- Justin Hayward, John Lodge, the late Graeme Edge
The Moody Blues' third album, "In Search of the Lost Chord" released in 1968, unfolded like a sweeping cinematic epic playing in the panorama between your ears. The antithesis of a Top 40 band, nevertheless "In Search of the Lost Chord" contained the progressive rock "Legend of a Mind" as well as "Ride My Seesaw". Justin Hayward, the late Graeme Edge, and John Lodge co-host here In the Studio.

Moody Blues- Seventh Sojourn- Justin Hayward, John Lodge
Justin Hayward & John Lodge are In the Studio for their international #1-seller, "Seventh Sojourn".

Moody Blues- Days of Future Passed- Justin Hayward, John Lodge
"Days of Future Passed" Moody Blues mainstays Justin Hayward and John Lodge document the fascinating story of a true Hail Mary pass to avoid abject poverty and starvation, resulting not only in timeless hits "Tuesday Afternoon" and "Nights in White Satin" but also igniting a musical movement, Progressive Rock,