Rush- Limelight- Dallas Soundcheck 11-28-12
Rush soundcheck Dallas November 2012 performing “Limelight”.
Simple Minds- Sanctify Yourself- Sydney 12-7-12
We saw the endearing, lovable Jim Kerr, guitarist Charlie Burchill, and Simple Minds perform in Dallas/ Ft.Worth in November 2018, and even before entering the auditorium proper we were alerted to the explosive sounds of "Big Music" from the…
Rush- Big Money- Dallas 2012
Rush Big Money live Dallas 2012
Simple Minds- See the Lights- Sydney 12-7-12
Even turned upside down under and standing on their heads, those "Simple Boys"( as the local pensioners would refer to them back home in Scotland ) can still make a big noise, as evidenced here in a very rare December 2012 Sydney concert recording…