Jethro Tull- War Child 50th Anniversary- Ian Anderson
In the years 1969-74 and "War Child", there was no band in the world more exciting, more unconventional, and more successful than Jethro Tull. Ian Anderson is my guest.
Jethro Tull- Thick As a Brick- Ian Anderson
Jethro Tull's March 1972 epic "Thick As a Brick" is the only album in music history to attain #1 sales on Billboard containing only one song...Ian Anderson joins me In the Studio with Jethro Tull's "Thick As a Brick" for one of the greatest progressive albums ever!
Jethro Tull- Aqualung- Ian Anderson
Few albums from any time in the Rock Era continue to satisfy quite so well as Jethro Tull's masterpiece "Aqualung". Ian Anderson smartly wrote songs for all seasons for a superb band, including the timeless rockers "Aqualung","Cross-Eyed Mary","Locomotive Breath," and "Hymn #43", but perfectly paced the album with tasty acoustic classics like "Wond'ring Aloud"and "Mother Goose". On "Aqualung" 's anniversary, Ian Anderson is my guest In the Studio.
Jethro Tull- Locomotive Breath- Zurich dressing room 1989
Jethro Tull's singer/ songwriter/ flautist Ian Anderson ( left ) returns here In the Studio next week for the band's big fiftieth anniversary of "Aqualung", so this should prime the pump with another angle on all of that material. Here's another of the rare "Dressing Room Tapes" performances in the backstage bowels of the concert hall before a Zurich Switzerland 1989 concert with guitarist Martin Barre ripping a spirited "Locomotive Breath".
Jethro Tull- Benefit- Ian Anderson
They were the changes in musical direction and key personnel made on Jethro Tull's critical preceding third album, "Benefit", in April 1970, that provided the oxygen in "Aqualung" 's tank a year later.
Jethro Tull-“Cheap Day Return/Mother Goose”- Zurich Switzerland dressing room 1989
With the tile walls and concrete floor of their backstage dressing room providing a natural reverberant ambience, here are the members of Jethro Tull prior their 1989 Zurich Switzerland concert, performing an acoustic medley of Aqualung-era…