
Tommy Shaw of Styx-“Crystal Ball” unplugged Memphis Spring 1981

Tommy Shaw of Styx unplugged doing "Crystal Ball" in Memphis Spring 1981;with an additional verse not on the Styx album!

Styx feat. Tommy Shaw- Crystal Ball- 1981 Memphis

Styx singer/songwriter/guitarist Tommy Shaw rolled out of bed and used a borrowed acoustic guitar to sing live on my afternoon show ...1981 acoustic version of his "Crystal Ball" ( with the extra verse not on the Styx version)

Tommy Shaw- Girls With Guns- Dallas Ft. Worth 11-84

When Tommy Shaw, just recently estranged then from arena-fillers Styx, brought his Girls With Guns  solo band to a Ft. Worth nightclub in an otherwise empty strip mall on a chilly Sunday November night in 1984, what I expected to see and hear,…