
R.E.M.- Document- Michael Stipe, Peter Buck
"Document" was the mainstream breakthrough for R.E.M. in a five album stubbornly eclectic alternate route to the top of the US album sales chart in September 1987. Guitarist Peter Buck and singer Michael Stipe are my guests In the Studio for the "Document" 35th anniversary..

R.E.M.- These Days- Utrecht Holland 9-14-87
R.E.M. packaged the September 1987 Utrecht Holland full concert as a bonus disc on the " Document" anniversary deluxe edition. Here's a careening live version of "These Days" from those days.

R.E.M.- IRS Years pt 1- Michael Stipe, Peter Buck
With R.E.M. lead singer Michael Stipe and lead guitarist Peter Buck in my classic rock interview. Includes the earliest days of the Athens GA band, with songs from their first four full albums Murmur, Reckoning, Fables of the Reconstruction, & Life's Rich Pageant. Part one of two.