

Asia- Carl Palmer, Geoff Downes, the late John Wetton

Asia was the 1980s' first "supergroup", including Emerson Lake and Palmer drummer Carl Palmer, former King Crimson/ Roxy Music / UK singer/ bass player the late John Wetton, Buggles vid-kid Geoff Downes on keyboards, and YES guitarist Steve Howe. Their March  1982 debut hit #1 in America on both the album sales chart and the singles for "Heat of the Moment". Asia debut #1 album of 1982 here In the Studio with Carl Palmer,Geoff Downes, the late John Wetton.

Emerson, Lake, and Palmer- Tarkus

Listening now to the epic title song to "Tarkus", the second studio album in June1971 which followed quickly after their stunning 1970 debut, with Greg Lake's voice delicately yet nimbly bounding along to Keith Emerson's piano runs, it's clear that Emerson Lake and Palmer were much  less "Be Bop a Lula" in their melodic grandeur and much more "Andrew Lloyd Weber". Here In the Studio is the story in their own words of progressive rock's first supergroup.