
Tom Cochrane- Lunatic Fringe- Dallas 1989
From its release in 1979 on the Red Rider album As Far as Siam ,"Lunatic Fringe " was always a popular song on North American rock radio . However , in a post-9/11 world , Tom Cochrane's lyrics are now even more chilling . This performance in a Dallas Mexican restaurant- January 1989 . No stage , no P.A. , no monitors , just Corona beer & the radio feeding back . That's a lot of intense music just by two very talented guys .-Redbeard

Rush- Power Windows- Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson
When observing potential song subjects for October 1985's "Power Windows", Rush lyricist/ drummer the late Neil Peart saw an uncanny number of socio-political issues which have become front page headlines again thirty-five years later.

Jeff Healey 1966-2008
...(cont) every headline before and since the cancer-related premature death of blues-rock phenomenon Jeff Healey March 2, 2008 has included the qualifier "blind guitarist" , as if Healey's mind-blowing facility and unique technique on the instrument,his more-than-competent rich vocals,his uncanny choice of material,and Jeff's wicked ultra-dry sense of humor were less defining of the man than his inability to read the drive-through menu at Taco Bell...(more)