Peter Frampton- All I Want to Be is By Your Side- Dallas 2-94

As I watched on CNN as Peter Frampton explained that his upcoming farewell tour is due to the progressive muscular degenerative disease Inclusion Body Myositis ( IBM ), I flashed back almost thirty years ago to a time when Frampton was equally concerned that he would have to stop, not because of health reasons but because of changing tastes in music. But he and I witnessed an event that dramatically helped convince Peter that rock and roll never forgets. Working without a net, unrehearsed and totally impromptu, surrounded by wall-to-wall fans crammed like sardines into a Dallas bar/restaurant in February 1994 for my Friday afternoon remote broadcast on Q-102, Peter Frampton obliged his loyal subjects with the appropriate “All I Want to Be is By Your Side”, originally on his first solo album Wind of Change    in 1972 after leaving Humble PieRedbeard