
Paul McCartney- Here Today (for John Lennon)
Every year when December 8 rolls around it is a challenge as to how to observe the violent, senseless gun murder of John Lennon that day in 1980, to chronicle the worldwide psychic blow to a generation, while paying tribute to what John Lennon…

Paul McCartney- Drive My Car- Amoeba Records 2007
In early December 1965 The Beatles released the album Rubber Soul, highly significant because of a new approach to the LP ("long player") as not just a collection of Top Forty singles. Rubber Soul contained "Norwegian Wood", "In My Life", George…

Paul McCartney- Back in the USSR- Hollywood 2007
Paul McCartney's performance in Hollywood record store Amoeba Records in 2007 is the stuff of rock legend...We figured McCartney's performance of "Back in the USSR" that day would be an appropriate appetizer for the two-hour special we are featuring here In the Studio with Sir Paul to mark the fifty-fifth anniversary of the "White Album" on which the song originally appeared.