

AC/DC- Highway to Hell 45th- Angus Young, the late Malcolm Young

AC/DC original lead singer Bon Scott's generous body art and ear studs, plus his affable demeanor, made Scott appear less like a rock singer and more like a character out of Herman Melville's "Moby Dick"...Angus Young and the late Malcolm Young are my guests for “Highway to Hell”.

AC/DC- High Voltage- Angus Young

AC/DC's lead guitarist Angus Young is my guest, with priceless memories from the In the Studio archive by the late AC/DC rhythm guitarist/riffmaster Malcolm Young, for the saga of "High Voltage".

AC/DC- Jailbreak- Dallas 10-85

When AC/DC played Dallas in October 1985, the band "threw the dog a bone" by performing "Jailbreak" for their earliest American fans who were in San Antonio and Dallas/ Ft. Worth ten years earlier when the Aussie's were just struggling to get known by playing Texas clubs.