

Rolling Stones- Let It Bleed 55th- Mick Taylor, Bill Wyman

Original Rolling Stones bassist Bill Woman joined by guitarist Mick Taylor for seminal “Let It Bleed” interview.

Rolling Stones- Honky Tonk Women- London 3-14-71

Eras in music no more follow the calendar than Mother Nature does. Thus fifty years ago in mid-March 1971 the last live performance of the Sixties in effect may actually gone down when the Rolling Stones ended their brief Scottish/ English tour at London's Roundhouse with this final performance of "Honky Tonk Women".

Rolling Stones- Dancing With Mr D- Brussels 1973

Long bootlegged in inferior quality, here's vintage Rolling Stones with Mick Taylor on lead guitar doing a rare performance of "Dancing With Mr D" in October 1973 in Brussels. Amazing quality with remastering by Redbeard.